Idaho Bigfoot

Posted by: Loren Coleman on February 1st, 2008

What do you think of this Idaho Bigfoot sighting?

Loren Coleman About Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct). Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015. Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.

23 Responses to “Idaho Bigfoot”

  1. neltana responds:

    Does anyone know if there was any physical evidence gathered back in 1980 from the site? After the incident, did anyone go back and investigate?

    All I can say is that, if he is telling the truth, we can probably rule out otter (although I do want to keep an open mind about this).

  2. Richard888 responds:

    He sounds very credible.

  3. rlis2706 responds:

    Does anyone know the name of the TV show or special that this clip is from? Thanks!

  4. thehoch responds:

    Many times you hear witnesses to events like this one and you wonder, this guy seemed very credible. His demeanor and story seem very real.

    No doubt that something is out there, it’s just a matter of the right place and time before someone gets the evidence needed to prove Bigfoots are real.

    I actually think that in some small remote area, there are people who often see Bigfoots, but don’t report it because they don’t want the crowds, publicity, and for Bigfoot and his clan to be hurt or captured.

  5. vance responds:

    Well, a good story anyway. Time to move on in the search.

  6. bill green responds:

    hey everyone wow thats a very interesting idaho sasquatch encounter mentioned on youtube. thanks bill green 🙂

  7. DARHOP responds:

    This guy sounds like he definitely knows what he saw. I for one believe him.

  8. Alivegarden responds:


    This is from a documentary called “Rocky Mountain Bigfoot.” You can get it on DVD at Amazon or anywhere else. Its actually pretty good.

  9. CamperGuy responds:

    I see no reason to doubt what the man says.

    I wonder if any activity has been reported in the area since that time.

  10. red_pill_junkie responds:

    Thanks for the tip Alivegarden 🙂

  11. edgar responds:

    While the witness seems credible, did anyone else note the curious behavior of the horses as he described it?

    Initially, we are told the horses were skittish, and they both balked at the clearing with the ‘pulverized logs’, the inference being that there was a lingering scent or presence there that alarmed them. The account further infers that maybe Bigfoot was responsible for the splintered logs.

    Later, a “green broke colt” doesn’t react to the scent of Bigfoot until it’s close enough that the rider can smell it also. For those not familiar with the term, a “green broke” horse is one that is just learning to accept being ridden. Personally, I think a green broke colt is an unusual choice for taking on a trip into the back country, but I suppose it could be explained as a learning experience for the horse.

    However, on one hand, we have horses that are skittish, and balky about crossing a clearing, and on the other hand, we have a partially trained (green broke) horse clamly stopping to drink, ignoring kicks, until the Bigfoot is close enough for the weaker nose of the rider to detect it, and then bolting. It just doesn’t ring true to me.

    A secondary problem is “Where is the other witness?” Is he dead? Did the producers decide he had nothing to add, even though he is said to be the one who initially saw something? Was he afraid of ridicule, and declined to be interviewed?

  12. red_pill_junkie responds:

    A very good analysis Edgar. Other thing I find kind of suspicious is the thing with the “pulverized” logs.

    I mean, I could accept the fact that a 7-foot Sasquatch must have incredible physical prowess (look how strong chimps and gorillas are), but to abe able to turn logs into sawdust? Is there another case when this has been reported?

  13. red_pill_junkie responds:

    Is there another case WHERE this behavior has been reported, is what idiot me wanted to ask 🙁

  14. cryptidsrus responds:

    Definitely a credible witness.


    You talk about a 7-foot Sasquatch?
    That’s nothing. I once read a report by a guy called BOBO (believe it or not!) who says he saw an ELEVEN-FOOT Sasquatch—(that’s what HE says he SAW-not me) soemwhere in Northern California. I later saw his picture in the MAtt Hoyle photograph book ENCOUNTERS—which just came out. I’m not saying with absolute certainty that what Bobo saw was real, but if it was, it would not surprise me soemthing that huge could do any sorts of things.
    Stranger things have happened…
    I do agree with you, though, that on the surface it looks VERY offbeat.

  15. neltana responds:

    What exactly is this “credible witness” standard we are evaluating Mr. Josephson against? Does he sound like he is lying? Not in my opinion. But I think you need more than that before you can establish someone a “credible witness.”

    Being a lazy creature of the internet, allow me to quote a random web page I found:

    To gain credibility, we must be assured, first, that the witness has not been mistaken nor deceived. To be assured as far as possible on this subject, it is proper to consider the nature and quality of the facts proved; the quality and person of the witness; the testimony in itself; and to compare it with the depositions of other witnesses on the subject, and with known facts. Secondly, we must be satisfied that he does not wish to deceive: There are strong assurances of this when the witness under oath is a man of integrity and disinterested.


    Mind you, I am not saying Mr. Josephson is NOT a credible witness, merely that we (based upon the video alone) don’t have the information in front of us to make a competent judgment of that. This is why I was wondering if there was any physical evidence gathered from the site. A statement from the other guy (Brian Belnap), would also be helpful, if only to help establish the back story.

    After all, if someone were making up a story (and I am NOT accusing Mr. Josephson of this, I’m saying “if”), they could easily sound as convincing (in other words, some liars are capable of sounding truthful). I’m not prepared to say I would be able to detect a false story told confidently without considering other factors.

  16. calash responds:

    Ref. “pulverized” logs
    This could be logs that have been on the ground for many years.
    They may have rotted internally but the bark kept them together until a bear or something else decided to go looking for grubs.

  17. red_pill_junkie responds:

    Calash, that never crossed my mind; thank you for the input. Now this is why I love checking this website so much, because of all the smart people that care to share their 2 cents 🙂

    Oh, and cryptidsrus, that Bobo’s account sure sound like a tall tale 😉 but nevertheless, I have read other accounts of Bigfoots that big, and if I had the chance to find myself face-to-face (or rather face-to-navel!) with a creature that big, I sure as hell would try my best not to make him angry!

  18. SOCALcryptid responds:

    I really enjoy reading these types of Sasquatch encounters? or stories? Most do happen by chance. What I mean is you are out doing something other than looking for Bigfoot. Then it happens like the story above. He may be credible but I need to see one for myself. Until then we need to do more research. We can also learn a lot from these encounters by comparing them to each other. I wish this could have happened to me. I then would know for myself that it was true and not just another story. Lets face it. If they are out there we are closer than ever to their discovery. Like Loren says,” If you have a more open mind and are willing to look for things, you might actually find them’.

    Thanks for the post Loren

  19. steele79 responds:

    Interesting story this man has but throw another eye witness account story on the pile. They’re all fine and well and I am pretty sure this man is truthful and did see Bigfoot. But until there is very serious solid evidence eg: a real specimen and not blurry pics and cheesy footprints or bear pelts sewn into skull caps or animal bones or body parts pretending to be big foot parts all there is is stories, he said and she said. I wish they would just find a specimen sometimes instead of having a great story. So people would take this serious I would love to see that story on Good Morning America, a real live Bigfoot.

  20. Spinach Village responds:

    Just what the doctor ordered. Great, a good story before hitting the sack.

  21. squatch-toba responds:

    This story has a ring of truth to it. The witness seems like he knows the area and critters around it. The ripped up logs are a perfect sign of a large animal feeding. This is exactly what I would think a Sasquatch would use as a food source. Neat story!

  22. Doug responds:

    A pretty good story. I am not sure the pulverized logs have anything to do with it, so I would not discount the man’s story for it.

    Do they allow you to prospect on land inside a National Forest? Perhaps they were just taking a short cut to get to their site through it. I would like to see the rest of that video.

  23. sbdance responds:

    Bigfoot was probably concerned for the poor horse that was under that guy.

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