New Bigfoot Video

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 11th, 2007

Is this Bigfoot footage real or hoaxed?

What do the readers of Cryptomundo think?

About Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005. I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films: OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.

38 Responses to “New Bigfoot Video”

  1. elsanto responds:

    That walk clearly gives it away as a human subject.


    Just my two cents.

  2. Doug responds:

    Granted it doesn’t look out of focus or blurry, but it isn’t close enough for details.

    If I were to have such a video, I wouldn’t put it on YouTube. I’d be seeking out the scientific community or someone studying it AFTER I obtained the copyrights. Why wait almost two years?

    Highly suspect.

  3. kittenz responds:

    I think it’s a badly done home video of a very obviously amateur human actor who is attempting (without success) to portray a Bigfoot walking across a snowy field.

  4. UKCryptid responds:

    It’s also been sped up…

  5. kamoeba responds:


  6. jayman responds:

    The arms seem rather short.

  7. MBFH responds:

    Ha ha! Fantastic! Buster Keaton plays Bigfoot.

  8. spock82 responds:

    No question that this is a hoax. Not well done at that.

  9. American Bigfoot responds:

    If there is no zoom, you must lower the boom. Fake.

  10. tomdee27 responds:


  11. DWA responds:

    OK, see, I’ve figured out how this is gonna work.

    We keep helping out the fakers until somebody shoots a fake so good it gets a real expedition out there, and they find something.

    So let’s begin.

    1. Sped up footage ain’t doing it for me.

    2. The hhmmmmmmmm-let’s-aimlessly-pan HEY A BIGFOOT!!!!!!!!!! approach? Been done.

    3. Gait? Human. Proportions? Homo sapiens. Clothes? Um, jeans and a hoodie? Surprise me.

    4. I hope this isn’t the Mastertrack Dude who gave us the Peguis footage. That looked at least intriguing. Not clear enough to be compelling, but at least intriguing. If so: slippin’, dude.

    5. Make sure he’s crossing ice he won’t fall through. Talk about yer dead giveaway.

    6. We have to look at the footage, when the subject is that clear and that in the open, and go: DEFINITELY not human.

    Good luck.

  12. DWA responds:

    I forgot something. (I really did. I don’t do this on purpose. I forget something, every time.)

    Don’t know if it’s cultural illiteracy or just plain laziness. Probably both, if you really think your footage is genuine. YouTube is not the place for the Discovery Shot. You need to send it to serious people. (No, not land management agencies or universities. People serious about the sasquatch.)

    But you knew that. Didn’t you. 😉

  13. joppa responds:


  14. fallofrain responds:

    I’m kind of sad the photographer didn’t leave the camera on long enough to see the Keystone Kops chasing him.

  15. mystery_man responds:

    Yeah, I am pretty sure that anyone with serious footage of what they thought was a genuine sasquatch would not choose to post it on Youtube, especially if they had the slightest idea of how much its credibility would diminish with such a posting. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people out there who don’t know about which channels to go through to get their video studied with serious eyes. We all talk about the ridicule that these people face and then we criticise someone for not turning in the footage to be “studied properly”, a bit of a contradiction there if you ask me. DWA has the right idea of turning it in to someone who studies Bigfoot, but some people may have no idea that there are organizations that will take them seriously or even if they do, don’t know the protocol for such a thing, so that isn’t an otpion in their eyes. Therefore, I can see how an ill informed person may post the video on Youtube, maybe in the hopes that someone would come to them.

    For these reasons, it is not the fact that this was posted on Youtube that points to this video being fake as far as I’m concerned. It is the incredible sense that I am looking at a shoddily made hoax of a human being in a suit that does it for me. Some videos on Youtube could be real. This is not one of them.

  16. bill green responds:

    hey everyone wow this is a very interesting of new possible sasquatch filmfootage but more research need to be done to it. thanks bill 🙂 very informative. new updates soon as possible. thanks bill

  17. sschaper responds:

    cross-country skier?

  18. The_Carrot responds:

    Moves too fast, arms too short, gait appears to be ‘off’.

  19. gridbug responds:

    The worst.

  20. peterbernard responds:

    You GOTTA post it on youtube, otherwise the government will take it and hide it like the proof of aliens!!! Don’t you know? here’s a much more real clip of bigfoot from youtube, i’m certain this one is proof:

  21. nanniegoat responds:

    Oy Veh.

  22. iftheshoefits responds:

    Well they sped it up so at least we don’t have to spend a lot of time watching it, I’ll thank them for that.

  23. Mnynames responds:

    I knew it, Benny Hill lives! Someone inform the BBC!

  24. richcap responds:


    (by the way, loved the Benny Hill comment!)

  25. harhey responds:


  26. alanborky responds:


    Craig, as far as I’m concerned, probably the greatest indication someone might be being deceptive is –

    Too Much Unnecessary Detail!

    In the case of this vid’, the unnecessary detail is in the overly elaborate lead in before the ‘SADsquash’ appears – if your cam’s pointing, say, 180 degrees in the opposite direction from where you or your cohort(s)’s just spotted the Bigfoot actually is, you immediately, without hesitation, swerve your cam’ in that direction, in all likelihood reducing everything in the interrim to a blur.

    You don’t do what this cameraman/woman does, make an extended sequence of clearly focused pauses, each pause lasting just long enough to ensure the cam’ records the wide variety of scenic backgrounds and, by implication, numerous directions the cam’ was pointing in before you finally brought it to a halt in the direction of your ‘Bigfoot’.

    Because if you do, it doesn’t make your vid’ seem all the more authentic by conveying the impression you were looking in every direction but where you finally ‘realised’ the ‘Bigfoot’ actually was.

    Rather, you convey the impression not only of deliberation and forethought, but of rehearsal – i.e., you unmistakably betray the deliberate use of movie-making style set up shots to herald the imminent arrival of your ‘Bigfoot’.

  27. sausage1 responds:

    Out-take of an old Madness video.
    Welcome to the house of fun!

  28. RockerEm responds:

    Wow I didn’t know Bigfoot was related to Dennis Rodman?!! Hoax hoax hoax.

  29. Cryptonut responds:

    Dude doesn’t even know how to make it look somewhat like a blobsquatch….flat out homo sapien….

  30. springheeledjack responds:

    Yeah, my biggest problem with these things (and DWA is right, we shouldn’t be giving this stuff away because we are just helping the hoaxers refine their craft…) is that we have short footage, no one ever follows the damn things, ever checks out footprints or signs of fur, etc…and most of them are still way too goofy (of course that is a mixed blessing and a good thing).

  31. coelacanth1938 responds:

    Looks like me…

  32. UKCryptid responds:

    So that’s where my wife ran off to…

  33. harhey responds:

    Looks like Todd Standing to me

  34. YourPTR! responds:

    FAKE and a lousy one!

  35. Rillo777 responds:

    I keep hearing the “Benny Hill” theme playing in my head everytime I watch it.

    Oops, mnynames already said it!

  36. jodzilla responds:

    Fake. Lame. Looks like somebody in sweatpants and a hooded sweatshirt.

  37. DARHOP responds:

    Are you kidding me?!

    Someone definitely has too much time on their hands.

  38. Mike Smith responds:

    Is it just me or did anyone else think that this guy walks (I may spell this wrong) Frankinstine from them 30’s and 40’s? Or is it just me?

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